Install Syntax Highlighting
:TSInstall scala
The support for Scala 3 like syntax is limited.
Install Language Server
To get scala LSP support working in Lunarvim, first you need to do the prerequisites listed here
Then use coursier to install the metals language server so that it is available on your PATH:
coursier install metals
Also, you can install the scala formatter
coursier install scalafmt
Configure Lunarvim
Create a file called ~/.config/lvim/lua/user/metals.lua
local M = {}
M.config = function()
local lvim_lsp = require("lvim.lsp")
local metals_config = require("metals").bare_config()
metals_config.on_init = lvim_lsp.common_on_init
metals_config.on_exit = lvim_lsp.common_on_exit
metals_config.capabilities = lvim_lsp.common_capabilities()
metals_config.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
lvim_lsp.common_on_attach(client, bufnr)
metals_config.settings = {
superMethodLensesEnabled = true,
showImplicitArguments = true,
showInferredType = true,
showImplicitConversionsAndClasses = true,
excludedPackages = {},
metals_config.init_options.statusBarProvider = false
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = { "scala", "sbt", "java" },
callback = function() require("metals").initialize_or_attach(metals_config) end,
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("nvim-metals", { clear = true }),
return M
Add the following to your config.lua
lvim.plugins = {
config = function()
dap.configurations.scala = {
type = "scala",
request = "launch",
name = "Run or Test Target",
metals = {
runType = "runOrTestFile",
type = "scala",
request = "launch",
name = "Test Target",
metals = {
runType = "testTarget",
When you open the first scala file, you should run :MetalsInstall
in order to complete the plugin installation.
To debug scala program, make sure that dap is activated: = true
Any Lunarvim builtin debug commands, which could be displayed by pressing <leader> d
, is supported.
Supported formatters
In most cases, isn't necessary enable the scalafmt formatter, this is already integrated with metals to format on save creating a .scalafmt.conf
file in your project root, see more here
- scalafmt