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Version: 1.3


LunarVim uses lualine as a default statusline.

Configuration is same as that of lualine with full support. See Lualine

In addition, LunarVim provides predefined styles(layout) and components.


There are three style options LunarVim accepts,

  • lvim

    LunarVim's default layout

  • default

    Lualine's default layout

  • none

    Empty layout

To set style other than "lvim" style, = "default" -- or "none"


You can use any component that lualine provides and LunarVim provides.

LunarVim's components

mode, branch, filename, diff, python_env, diagnostics, treesitter, lsp, location, progress, spaces, encoding, filetype, scrollbar

To set lualine's "diff" component to section c of "default" style, = "default"
lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_c = { "diff" }

To set LunarVim's "spaces" and "location" components to section y and lualine's "mode" component to section a of "lvim" style,

-- no need to set style = "lvim"
local components = require("lvim.core.lualine.components")

lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_a = { "mode" }
lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_y = {


LunarVim automatically detects current colorscheme and set it as theme.

To change your colorscheme, see Colorscheme

If there is no matching theme, it will fallback to "auto" theme provided by lualine.

In case you want to use different theme, set it manually,

lvim.builtin.lualine.options.theme = "gruvbox"

To customize existing theme,

local custom_gruvbox = require "lualine.themes.gruvbox_dark"
custom_gruvbox.insert.b = { fg =, gui = "bold" }
custom_gruvbox.visual.b = { fg =, gui = "bold" }
custom_gruvbox.replace.b = { fg =, gui = "bold" }
custom_gruvbox.command.b = { fg =, gui = "bold" }

lvim.builtin.lualine.options.theme = custom_gruvbox

To create your own theme,

local colors = {
color2 = "#0f1419",
color3 = "#ffee99",
color4 = "#e6e1cf",
color5 = "#14191f",
color13 = "#b8cc52",
color10 = "#36a3d9",
color8 = "#f07178",
color9 = "#3e4b59",

lvim.builtin.lualine.options.theme = {
normal = {
c = { fg = colors.color9, bg = colors.color2 },
a = { fg = colors.color2, bg = colors.color10, gui = "bold" },
b = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5 },
insert = {
a = { fg = colors.color2, bg = colors.color13, gui = "bold" },
b = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5 },
visual = {
a = { fg = colors.color2, bg = colors.color3, gui = "bold" },
b = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5 },
replace = {
a = { fg = colors.color2, bg = colors.color8, gui = "bold" },
b = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5 },
inactive = {
c = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color2 },
a = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5, gui = "bold" },
b = { fg = colors.color4, bg = colors.color5 },


Callback function is available for more flexibility.

It will run when configuration is done,

lvim.builtin.lualine.on_config_done = function(lualine)
local config = lualine.get_config()
local components = require "core.lualine.components"

config.sections.lualine_x[3] = "#2c2c2c"
table.remove(config.sections.lualine_x, 2) -- remove treesitter icon
table.insert(config.sections.lualine_x, components.location)

If you want to go way beyond with configuration, check jimcornmell's setup as a reference.