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Plugins are managed by folke/lazy.nvim.


use :Lazy to see a list of all installed plugins!

Installing plugins

User plugins can be installed by adding entries to the lvim.plugins table in your config.lua file, saving or manually invoking LvimReload will trigger lazy to sync all the plugins in that table.


lvim.plugins = {
{ "lunarvim/colorschemes" },
config = function()
input = { enabled = false },
ft = "norg", -- lazy-load on filetype
config = true, -- run require("neorg").setup()

You can find all available options here or in lunarvim: :help lazy.nvim-plugin-spec You can find more examples here


Removing a plugin from the lvim.plugins table removes it from your configuration but not your system. To remove them completely, run :Lazy clean

Core plugins

The configurations for core plugins are accessible through the lvim.builtin table.

Disabling core plugins

Most should contain an active attribute that can be set to false to disable the plugin = false = false

Disabling a plugin will not take effect until you restart lvim.

Configuring core plugins

To configure a builtin plugin, edit options in lvim.builtin.<builtin>. You can press <TAB> to get autocomplete suggestions to explore these settings.

lvim.builtin.cmp.completion.keyword_length = 2
lvim.builtin.telescope.defaults.layout_config.width = 0.95
lvim.builtin.telescope.defaults.layout_config.preview_cutoff = 75

A plugin's README (and docs/ folder if it exists) typically contain excellent documentation, so it may be worthwhile to create an alias if you use them often.


Versions of core plugins are pinned for better stability, you can disable pinning by setting an environment variable $LVIM_DEV_MODE, e.g. can be defined in ~/.local/bin/lvim or in your shell's rc file:

export LVIM_DEV_MODE=1
# or
alias lvim="LVIM_DEV_MODE=1 lvim"