How do I [..] ?
How do I add my own keybindings?
- View all defaults by pressing
- change the leader key
lvim.leader = "space"
- Add your own binding
-- save the buffer
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-s>"] = ":w<cr>"
-- move the cursor without leaving insert mode
lvim.keys.insert_mode["<A-h>"] = "<Left>"
lvim.keys.insert_mode["<A-l>"] = "<Right>"
- Remove or un-map a default binding
-- disable completely
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-Up>"] = ""
-- define a new behavior
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-q>"] = ":q<cr>"
- You can also use the NeoVim API directly using nvim_set_keymap
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-p>", "<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true, expr = true })
- Or you can use the native vim way for those tricky bindings that you are not sure how to translate just yet
-- Search and replace word under cursor using <F2>
vim.cmd [[ nnoremap <F2> :%s/<c-r><c-w>/<c-r><c-w>/gc<c-f>$F/i ]]
What is null-ls
and why do you use it?
For C/C++ we have the clangd
by llvm
which can also use its siblings' abilities clang-tidy
and clang-format
to support additional linting and formatting. But something like pyright
doesn't support formatting, so we use null-ls
to register black
and flake8
for example, as a "fake" language server.
Since it's not using a separate binary it's called null-ls
or null language server.
Where can I find some example configs?
If you want ideas for configuring LunarVim you can look at these repositories.
- Chris - https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/lvim
- Abouzar - https://github.com/abzcoding/lvim
- Nelson - https://github.com/rebuilt/lvim