

This page needs improvement

Set a linter/formatter, this will override the language server formatting capabilities (if it exists)

local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
{ command = "black" },
command = "prettier",
args = { "--print-width", "100" },
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact" },

local linters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters")
{ command = "flake8" },
command = "shellcheck",
args = { "--severity", "warning" },
command = "codespell",
filetypes = { "javascript", "python" },

local code_actions = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.code_actions")
command = "proselint",

Another method is to reference the linter/formatter/code_actions by their names, as referenced in null-ls docs, if you do not want to customize the command

local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
{ name = "black" },

local linters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters")
{ name = "flake8" },
{ name = "shellcheck" },
name = "codespell",
filetypes = { "javascript", "python" },

local code_actions = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.code_actions")
name = "proselint",

This will lookup the provided name in the builtin configurations of null_ls and apply them. It can be considered equivalent to null_ls.builtins.diagnostics.{name}/null_ls.builtins.formatting.{name}/null_ls.builtins.code_actions.{name}

Note: Formatters' or Linters' or Code Actions installation is not managed by LunarVim. Refer to the each tool's respective manual for installation steps.

Custom arguments

It's also possible to add custom arguments for each linter/formatter/code_actions.

local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
command = "prettier",
---@usage arguments to pass to the formatter
-- these cannot contain whitespace, options such as `--line-width 80` become either `{'--line-width', '80'}` or `{'--line-width=80'}`
args = { "--print-width", "100" },

local linters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters")
command = "shellcheck",
---@usage arguments to pass to the formatter
-- these cannot contain whitespace, options such as `--line-width 80` become either `{'--line-width', '80'}` or `{'--line-width=80'}`
args = { "--severity", "warning" },

local code_actions = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.code_actions")
command = "proselint",
args = { "--json" },

Note: remember that arguments cannot contains spaces, options such as --line-width 80 become either {'--line-width', '80'} or {'--line-width=80'}.

Multi languages per linter/formatter

By default a formatter will attach to all the filetypes it supports.

local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
command = "prettier",
---@usage specify which filetypes to enable. By default a providers will attach to all the filetypes it supports.
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact" },

Note: removing the filetypes argument will allow the formatter to attach to all the default filetypes it supports.

Multi linters/formatters/code_actions per language

There are no restrictions on setting up multiple formatters per language

local formatters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters")
{ command = "black", filetypes = { "python" } },
{ command = "isort", filetypes = { "python" } },

local linters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters")
command = "codespell",
---@usage specify which filetypes to enable. By default a providers will attach to all the filetypes it supports.
filetypes = { "javascript", "python" },

local code_actions = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.code_actions")
command = "proselint",
args = { "--json" },
filetypes = { "markdown", "tex" },

Lazy-loading the linter/formatter/code_actions setup

By default, all null-ls providers are checked on startup. If you want to avoid that or want to only set up the provider when you opening the associated file-type, then you can use filetype plugins for this purpose.

Let's take python as an example:

  1. create a file called python.lua in the $LUNARVIM_CONFIG_DIR/after/ftplugin folder
  2. add the following snippet
local linters = require("lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters")
linters.setup({ { command = "flake8", filetypes = { "python" } } })

Formatting on save

To enable formatting on save:

lvim.format_on_save = true